5 tips for coaches to drive their Social Media

2018-02-21 10:25:16

Jan Vasil
As I mentioned before social media are full of content from coaches of any kind. Some are sharing photos from their sessions, training, workshops or even private life. But is it enough to share a picture once in a while? Do the coaches actually know how to use social media to drive their business?

5 tips for coaches to drive their Social Media.

1. Posting one picture per week is not enough. According to the latest Instagram/Facebook news, their algorithm is changing very quickly. Once your post will be rated based on how many likes you will get. The next day it can be rated on how many comments your post will achieve. So in order to get highly rated, you have to post as much content as you can. The best is to post every single day and try a different type of content. Asking questions and creating polls on Facebook is very effective.

2. Use hashtags effectively. There is a way how to post up to 60 hashtags on Instagram. But not all the hashtags are working well. Be aware of what kind of hashtags you use as some can be more harmful than helpful. The best is to use a mix of hashtags with a different rating. Ones like "lifecoach" or "lifecoaching" are already overused and I do not recommend to use them at all. Your post will simply not appear in the recent post section. Therefore they will not give you the effect you wish for.

3. Post only high-level content. I know how tempting is to post everything from your life. Some coaches post pictures from the breakfast, selfies with family members or friends. If you are using social media for your business you should act as a business. People who like coaching will appreciate posts which will give them some kind of useful information. Like latest researchers, industry updates or interesting articles. Also, it is good to post content which is entertaining but still related to your business.

4. Use the platforms differently. Many coaches post one photo on Instagram and then instantly share the same content on Facebook. But this is not the way how it should be. Instagram is designed for sharing photos and Facebook is created to share an entertaining content which is worth to share further. Be aware that Facebook algorithm also rates your posts according to the time which your followers/friends spend engaging with it. So if you post a link from your Instagram it means that it will be not shown on your friend's wall. And once your post will not be visible, you will not get the attention you want.

5. Invest in modern marketing. Many coaches are investing money in "old school" marketing, like producing brochures, e-books, and leaflets. Building an email list was effective 2-3 or maybe even 5 years ago. But not today. If you want to attract younger generations for which coaching might be useful, you have to invest in modern marketing. Facebook and Instagram ads are still pretty cheap, compared to other media. So use it. In case you have a marketing budget, then run several ads and promote your business. The ads are simple to setup and you can target specific locations, age groups, and genres.

In case you would like to discuss this tips further, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I will be happy to help you. Jan

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